Shakespeare is consider to be one of the father figures of English literature.
The eternal acclaimed poet and theater playwright, was and still is an influence to anyone who studies the English language.
His inspiration is timeless, because it has extended trough poets and novelists, to painters and even classical music composers, and to today's English language. Yes some of the words we use today, were introduced by Shakespeare himself.
The word Shakespeare became a standard for reinventing language with wisdom and originality.
We've dig deep into his timeless quotes and picked the most inspirational quotes from William Shakespeare extended repertoire:
William Shakespeare Inspirational Quotes
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about wisdom, and how what we know it's just a drop of the ocean:
“A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about life philosophy :
“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about holding back, not becoming what you are capable of:
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about transformation, the power of change:
“God has given you one face, and you make yourself another.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about time management and how important is to be prepared and on time:
“Better three hours too soon than a minute too late.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about the illusions of the mind:
“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about honesty an it's importance:
“No legacy is so rich as honesty.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about taking action and not talking about it:
“Talking isn't doing. It is a kind of good deed to say well; and yet words are not deeds.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about time:
“We are time's subjects, and time bids be gone.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about courage:
“Who could refrain that had a heart to love and in that heart courage to make love known?”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about the past:
“What's done can't be undone.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about life and death:
“To be, or not to be, that is the question.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about love, if you found the love you look for is good, but if you found someone who loves you without any effort of your part is better:
“Love sought is good, but given unsought, is better.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about being humble, and how working on your craft can be a fulfillment experience:
“My crown is called content, a crown that seldom kings enjoy.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about planting the seed regardless of not knowing which one is going to grow:
“If you can look into the seeds of time, and say which grain will grow and which will not, speak then unto me”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about how your past is the opening of the your life story not the whole book:
“What is past is prologue.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about how you have sometimes to break the rules to get where you want:
“To do a great right do a little wrong.”
William Shakespeare inspirational quote about being free in the real sense, make your own life want you really want.
“Lawless are they that make their wills their law.”
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