Sadly in May 2014 Angelou passed away, but her legacy lives on.
The renowned author, poet, activist was a source of inspiration to the whole world with her deep thoughts on life, be doing so she was an educator for the people.
The renowned author, poet, activist was a source of inspiration to the whole world with her deep thoughts on life, be doing so she was an educator for the people.
Enjoy our selection of inspirational quotes from Maya Angelou that certainly will inspire you:
Maya Angelou Top Inspirational Quotes
“Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it.” - Maya Angelou
The meaning behind the quote: Be you! Listen within. Set yourself free. Don't neglect liking yourself, you are the most important puzzle piece of your life.
If you don't like who you are, change that by developing yourself into the person you want to be.
Create your own life, love what you do every day. Choose wisely what you want to do in life.

“Nothing will work unless you do.” - Maya Angelou
The meaning behind the quote: Execution, action, doing, it's mandatory that you do in order to things to work.
It's mandatory that YOU have to do it, not someone else for you.
You know the outcome you want, you now your business like no one, so you are the best person to do it. GO!
The meaning behind the quote: What's the difference? Making a living is earning the necessary amount of money to survive, you do what you have to do in order to get paid regardless.
Making a life, it's much deeper, you don't work to survive, you work to create a live, to make a difference in the world. You chaise your dreams, you have a set of goals, you achieve them because you're a doer, than you set another list of goals. You constantly look for more and more for your life.
The meaning behind the quote: The magic ways of life, when you decide what you want, and you ask out-loud to the world, somehow someway things start to happen.
Your wishes become very conscious in your own mind, and unconsciously your whole actions start to move towards the realization of those wishes.
So whatever you ask for, probably it will come, be prepared for it. People are not always ready for opportunities, make sure you are.
"You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” - Maya Angelou

The meaning behind the quote: Believe in you. Don't makes excuses about your boss, your friends, the weather, the politics, whatever...
You have the control of your own life, you don't need cosigners to reach for your goals, you don't need the governmental approval, you don't need none of that. You only need you and your beliefs.
Don't be stuck by others opinions.
Everyone of us has our very own vision of the world. People don't see your dreams like you do, because they are your dreams not theirs. The only person you have to prove anything is to yourself.
Don't be stuck by others opinions.
Everyone of us has our very own vision of the world. People don't see your dreams like you do, because they are your dreams not theirs. The only person you have to prove anything is to yourself.
The meaning behind the quote: You should take action by doing what you know how to do, get better by learning from what you are doing.
Don't be afraid of experimenting new things, learn them by doing them, embrace the constant improvement philosophy, and become better each day.

The meaning behind the quote: Have the courage to follow your own intuition.
Don't be afraid of trying, believe in it and move forward. You'll have second thoughts, never mind them, go out and do it.
Courage will separate you from average people. Although they recognize it change as necessary, they never do anything because they are to afraid of leaving their comfort zone. Besides, it's easier to remain the same-But that's the way to get to nowhere. You have to be an achiever! You have to like challenges, go out and dare to dare, nothing more beautiful than to have the courage and audacity to make a change.
Courage will separate you from average people. Although they recognize it change as necessary, they never do anything because they are to afraid of leaving their comfort zone. Besides, it's easier to remain the same-But that's the way to get to nowhere. You have to be an achiever! You have to like challenges, go out and dare to dare, nothing more beautiful than to have the courage and audacity to make a change.
"We need much less than we think we need.” - Maya Angelou
The meaning behind the quote: We tend to make things more complex than what they really are.

In the majority of situations, things we need to do are very simple and achievable. But our minds make if much more complicated, never mind that. Go for the simple basic stuff.
Things we need to have are an illusion. Most of us have tones of junk at home that was bought with the thought of being indispensable. Now... it's pilling up for in the basement for nothing. Get ride of it!
“Try to be a rainbow in someone's cloud.” - Maya Angelou

The meaning behind the quote: Light someone's life whenever you can, specially when they are going trough a difficult situation.
When all is dark, it's not always easy to see the light. It's not always easy to smile. It's not always easy to look for the positive side of situations.
But, if someone like you and me brings their smile and a unique view to the situation.. Maybe... it will not look as bad as people make it to be.
People tend to be negative most of the time.
Be a source of energy, inspire others by your attitudes and actions.
The meaning behind the quote: Stop being selfish about what you learn, start to give more by teaching others what you have learn.
Teach and give so you can make a great contribution to someone'else life.
Teach and give so you can improve your skills and your knowledge. Because one thing is doing, other thing is teaching how to do. You have to learn another set o skills relate to your activity, that will make you more capable and wiser at what you do.
The meaning behind the quote: If you put full effort into it, great things will come in the future.
Don't expect to achieve greatly right away, success takes time, being successful takes time.
But one thing is for sure: you must not quit! You have to keep on going and keep on doing the things you're supposed to do, despite the time it could take be patient.
Remember, your time has to be very well managed. The hours you put in the necessary amount of work will dictate whether you'll achieve your goals or not. People put too little hours in and expect big things to come, no no no. You have to put big hours in so you can achieve big things.
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