Bob Marley is widely recognize as one of the best musicians of all time.
He was largely successful in his reggae music career, of course, we all know lyrics from his timeless songs. He brought the Rastafarian movement to the world spotlight.
Loved by many, worshiped by many more, Bob Marley is still to this day a source of inspiration and knowledge about life. Here's our selection of 9 Bob Marley Inspirational Quotes you can't miss:
Top 9 Inspirational Bob Marley Quotes

“Some people feel the rain. Others just get wet.” - Bob Marley
Our take: Mindset! What's yours? People are different!
For some the rain is an opportunity to feel something different, for others it's a setback and chaos to their life.
Learn to enjoy the rain, learn to give a positive output to things that happen to you. You will live better and happier. What some call a rainy day, a setback, others see it as an opportunity to rise at a different occasion. Let rain inspire you like the sun does.
Our take: Don't look for richness at any cost. Financial status won't develop your wisdom or other intellectual human characteristics.
If you lose your soul, you lose your whole essence. Riches won't get your soul back. Look for ways to become successful with integrity.
“The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just got to find the ones worth suffering for.” - Bob Marley
Our take: The purpose of life is not to be always happy or always sad. Both feelings are part of what we call living. So life it's a journey.
A journey that's not perfect, containing people who aren't perfect either. Some people will be inspirational, same people can be disappointing. It's better to be surrounded by those who you care and care for you, although some negative situations can, and will, occur.
Our take: When you die your words, thoughts, ideas and actions will go down with you, but they can remain alive or be reborn if others know them.
Sharing and contributing are two essential aspects of a great life. Nothing wrong with worrying about yourself, but it's when you worry about others and leave an inspirational legacy of greatness behind you, that's when your words, thoughts, ideas and actions can remain immortal and make a real difference in this world.
“None but ourselves
can free our minds.” - Bob Marley
Our take: The number one resource for changing your life its already at your disposal, it's you.
You have the power of creating whatever you want, unless you fail to realize and believe this power.
People constantly come up with a blaming list to justify their lack of results. Curious enough, when people stop blaming others and realize they are the ones to blame, their life changes!
Our take: If you want to live a great life, you have to define well, what's your mission on this earth. What are your values and beliefs, what are your dreams and goals?
Cause if do otherwise, and you don't enlist those things really well, you'll get them listed for you by someone else. You will become a part of someone's dream, not yours.
So you have to fight for your freedom if you want to make a change, cause if not, you will become hostage of someone else's dream, an that's an unpleasant sight for you.
“Love the
life you live. Live the life you love.” - Bob Marley
Our take: Whatever you do, love it. Whatever you love to do, please do it!
So, in essence they are complementary: you have to be grateful for the life you have, but you also have to search for the life you will be grateful for.
Love what you do, so you can live the life you love.
Our take: Be introspective with your life. Write goals for yourself, take action in order to achieve them, check the results at the end, be introspective! Are you happy with what you see?
This is a major tool for living a great life, mainly because of two things: if you are happy, you are on the right way, you have found that inspirational formula that works, keep doing it; if you are unhappy with what you see, you know what you have to change, and eventually you can make the right corrections and achieve what you want with time. So be introspective cause you will grow with it.
“Who are
you to judge the life I live?
I know I'm
not perfect
- and I don't live to be -
but before you start pointing fingers...
sure you hands are clean!” - Bob Marley
Our take: Any time you point a finger at someone you got three fingers pointing right back at you. So beware...
The best thing you can do is not to judge people, because you understand their reality by your perspective, not theirs, so it's really unfair to make judgments about anyone's live without being in their shoes.
No one is perfect, not even you. Don't be mad at other people for not being either. Help others getting better and others will help you to constantly improve, it's up to you to...
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